Thursday, December 26, 2013

Small and Simple Things

Christmas is come and gone. Soon the lights will come down, the Christmas trees will be put away. And the Spirit of Christmas will fade away. But there are little instances of kindness that stay with us, even after the allure of the Christmas Spirit has faded for the rest of the world.

Last week my companion and I were in the post office, sending some things home. It was a little more than a week before Christmas, and there was a long line of people sending off Christmas gifts, and mailing cards. As we were standing in line, a man walked, looked around, and said "This is madness. I just need a Christmas stamp for my letter," he holds up an envelope. "I can't spend all day in line, when I just need one stamp." A different man (in shorts and a yellow sweatshirt, and a fluffy white scarf- Don't ask me, it's Portland ;) in the line for self-service offered to buy the other man a stamp. But stamp man wanted a Christmas stamp. "It was my last letter, and I just needed one more." The scarf man said, "Just put a normal stamp on, and write "Merry Christmas" on it, and you're good." But stamp man was sending off a Christmas card, and he wanted it to be special (I'm assuming). He decided to leave. Not a minute later he came back, and scarf man said "He's back!" Stamp man said, "I can at least mail these other ones." Scarf man then said that he would buy Christmas stamps when it was his turn, and he would give stamp man one. Stamp man said, "You don't want to buy a bunch of Christmas stamps. What are you going to do with them?" Scarf man said, "I can use them. They're just stamps." So he bought poinsettia stamps, and gave stamp man one. He was so appreciative. It made his day. He put it on his envelope, and put it in the slot.

The whole interchange was hilarious. I couldn't help but smiling, and chuckling. And the post office is always quiet, so theirs were the only voices. But it made me think how much a simple little thing, as simple as wanting a Christmas stamp on your Christmas card, can make such a big difference in your day, and even your life. They can seem so insignificant. And really, in the eternal scheme, having a Christmas stamp won't matter. But in that moment, it meant a great deal to him. And anything can change in a moment. It doesn't take much for something small to make or break your day.

We're told in the Book of Mormon that, "by small and simple things are great things brought to pass," (Alma 37:6). The Lord at times works by small means. And if we're not observant, we might just miss it. It can be by small means that someone falls away from the church, by not doing little things like praying everyday, or reading the Book of Mormon everyday, or going to church every Sunday. And it's also by small ways (doing those things) that miracles will happen, that we will grow closer to Christ, and that we will be blessed.

I would encourage us all to pay more attention to the small things in our life, to improve our lives, and maybe be able to improve someone else's life, or day, by doing something small, like giving them a Christmas stamp. Something that isn't a big deal to you, but to that person, it means the world. I believe that it's by doing the small things that we can solidify our testimonies, and strengthen our relationship with Christ, and that we could change someone's day for the better. I know that Heavenly Father will bless us as we are diligent in keeping the commandments, even the little, seemingly insignificant commandments.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, and that we don't let that Christmas spirit, the Spirit of Christ,  fade away with the season.